
To quote film legend Errol Flynn: "Write what you want about us, but spell our name right: Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung von Dingen.

Press material 

The Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung von Dingen realises solutions for digital sovereignty using open source software. Its guiding principles are sustainability and system security, accessibility and data protection. By specialising in different business areas, the company has a broad and versatile base. Typical for the team members: they think outside the box and ask smart questions.

GzEvD-Logo als SVG und PNG (Zip, 34.18 KB)


Kati Faude will be happy to answer your questions:

Kati Faude
Gesellschaft zur Entwicklung von Dingen
Osloer Straße 17, 13359 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 280 40-112

Interview partners

The following members of our team are available for expert interviews. Please make an appointment in advance, as we are all pretty busy with things.

Interview partners

The following members of our team are available for expert interviews. Please make an appointment in advance, as we are all pretty busy with things.

Flink-Plakat an einer Ubahnwand. Mit Korrektur eines fehlenden Kommas.

Wenn der Bestellprozess länger dauert als die Lieferung

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