Image Background Accessible form fields with simple means by Dennis Westphal Recognise forms, fill them out, send them off? Clear, screenreader-accessible labels are the be-all and end-all of accessible dialogue
Image Pressemitteilung Wenn der Bestellprozess länger dauert als die Lieferung 10-Minuten-Lieferdienste frustrieren durch zeitfressende Barrieren bei der Erstbestellung Wir haben die drei Lebensmittelsofortbringdienste mit den aktuell größten Werbebudgets - Gorillas, Flink und Getir - mittels Screenreader getestet.
Image Pressemitteilung Food delivery services let blind people starve on the long arm We tested five well-known food delivery services for accessibility when ordering a simple pizza - and three of them failed.
Image Background 6 myths about accessibility by Dennis Westphal Whether prejudices or misconceptions: Clichés about accessibility are widespread - and convenient excuses for not taking further action.
Image Blog Create accessible presentations and documents by Dennis Westphal With simple means such as the correct paragraph structure, image description and format storage, text-and-image presentations become accessible to all.
Image Comment Why do blind people need a profile photo? Barrier-free means: equal accessibility for all. Often, we first encounter our own barriers in our minds when it comes to this topic.